Into My Child Imagination

 Every now and then, Matthew and I will start remembering old times when we were kiddos. Looking back I remember how creative we were and how hilarious our characters were! I thought I'd share some of our favorite play characters.

The Famous Noon Family This family started when I got a stuffed animal pig for Christmas from my grandma. After that, I went to work writing stories about my new stuffed animal (my writing gene came out even when I was young). Soon, we bought more stuffed pigs for me and they just became the Noon family. There are Mr. and Mrs. Noon, Jeremy (the accountant), Charly (an expert on Judo), Lary (the dancer), and the youngest Tommy who just always stayed the youngest and didn't do anything. =P There was also Uncle Chuck as well as his son which I don't remember the name because we didn't have that pig for very long! =P 
 And because of the Noons, we have String Day today (that's for another post)!

Captain Rise One of my favorite toys, Captain Rise had the ability to instantly raise people from the dead or kill them. I know it sounds so weird but he was quite funny! He originally was one of those parachute toys and but then we just cut the parachute off. He was a little tiger who had his hands raised to the sky. He was very helpful in battle!

Jeffro (Jeffry) Jeffry Hannah's favorite toy of mine and I'm really not sure why. He was given to me I think when I was 1 so he is my oldest and I have to say favorite toy now. He's a white dog who is quite worn out! Hannah named him Jeffry but we made it Jeffro because of a quote from the Daniel Boone show- "It's Jethro, and drink as a skunk!"

The "W" Stuffed Animals I got some stuffed animals with a "w" on their hand or foot. The "w" would give them extra power in there so they could punch people across the room. Some of the toys that had this were Charly Noon, Kitty (she didn't have a last name), and Pink Fluffy (a pink fluffy dog).

Snow Claws A good friend gave this bear to me quite a few years ago and I just love him! If you're ever sad just pull out old Snow Claws and you can't help but laugh at his never-ending smile! 

Body Builder Jackson This was one of the few characters that wasn't a toy. BBJ (as we called him) was completely imaginary. We even wrote a whole book about him when I was about 8 years old.

Well, I hope you enjoyed hearing about all my toys and characters! And more posts like this will be coming! Tell me what you'd like to see next! Bye!


  1. Haha! Loved it! You guys were so creative! I've heard many of these names before, but never heard that much detail about them. :-D


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