Last Weekend

  This past weekend we had quite the full house! On Friday K&S came with their kiddos and Bridget and Leanne came as well. 
  That night was quite fun! Bridget and I did a bunch of Yoga poeses together and kept everyone up 'till 1:30 with our laughter!
  Hannah and Leanne went to a chocolate factory tour on Saturday. Bridget, Matthew, and I went to frisbee and it was super fun! I was afraid that Bridget might not like it but she seemed to like it a lot!
Wezi and Kisapher! <3

Dinner time!

Ice cream!
Rebeka was so sweet and made Matthew and me dairy-free ice cream. 
  On Sunday Hannah and Leanne went to another gathering at Fidlers Coffee. We all just hung out for a while. Bridget and I did some dance workouts, stretches, and a bunch of yoga poses throughout the weekend.
  It was a great time and I can't wait for another!


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