We finished the first season a few days ago and obviously, I've got to share it with y'all! The whole tone of the first season is like Batman Begins. It's all about Gotham, the city where Batman lives but it's before he becomes Batman. The action and tone also reminded me of Arrow but it doesn't have any of the relationship stuff, which is really nice! |
The main character, James Gordon, is a mix of the coach from Woodlawn and Watson from Sherlock. He's super steady and extremely stubborn especially when it comes to keeping the law. |
And I love his relationship in the show. They're super sweet and faithful to each other! Also, the actors got married in the third season (I think) and that just makes watching them in the show that much more sweet! |
The next character is Bruce Wayne. Obviously, he's not old enough to be Batman yet but he's still a big part of this show! I love his personality because he is super logical and after his parents die he investigates all by himself. |
And I love the relationship between Alfred and Bruce! In this show, they make Alfred a lot cooler but he's still the one that keeps Bruce in line. |
For one of my favorite characters, Selina Kyle, aka Cat Girl. She's mysterious and actually acts like a cat, it's pretty funny to watch! |
And Bruce and Selina's "romance" is the cutest thing ever to watch! They're polar opposites but that's what makes them perfect together! |
And lastly, there's Penguin. He's definitely not a villain that everyone would like but I like him. He's one of those good bad guys, he never does anything really bad but does enough to be bad. =P |
There are a bunch of other characters but these are my favs!
I hope you enjoyed, bye!
ReplyDeleteDo you think Kris and I would enjoy this show? Looks interesting!
ReplyDeleteProbably not. =P You said that Batman was creepy and it's just if not more creepy than Batman. =D