Our Criss Christmas

Every year all us Crisses get together and have a fun Christmas family gathering. We got there right around lunch and then just kinda hung out for a few hours. Then we sang some Christmas songs. A lot of Grandma's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren filmed little videos saying what they appreciate about her and so we all watched that together. Then we had our White Elephant and the children opened their "stockings". After that, we had dinner and cleaned up. We left around 9:00 pm.
There were a lot of pictures to many to keep in order.
While we were there the marrieds opened their gifts for the Christmas drawing. Momma also got each of them something special.

Abby was SUPER excited to get these little Octonauts! Love that face! 😍

John and Joshua 💗

John and Kels had Laura and Matthew. They got them a date box.

Nice ears Momma😉

Andy and Dorthy brought some fun masks!

Our hymn sing.

Laura and Matthew and Jon and Kels got us so many fun gifts! Thanks so much, guys!

Best friend for life 💗

"Lary and Clidia", our names mixed together. Clara was originally Lara but we thought Lary was pretty cute!



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