
On Saturday, Sarah and Stephen came around 4:00 ph (I think) and dropped the children off to go on a date.
Before they came Matthew made a batch of chocolate chip cookies!

Doing Sarah's hair for her date.

We got a new dress-up dress!

The mountain men.

Matthew's new jersey!

On Sunday all the girls went shopping and Sarah bought gingerbread houses. The next day the girls had fun decorating them!

Making the Christmas eve dinner. S&S left Christmas morning so we had the dinner the night before.

Sibling picture!

Opening gifts!

All the kidos sang a song for us.

Christmas morning, we had waffles for breakfast and it was surprisingly chill.
Trying to take a picture with the baby taz!

Picture time! We took a whole bunch of pictures of our family.

Hannah and her Christmas Grinch.


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