Being Grateful Around the Holidays

 This past weekend us girls made to very successful trips to Goodwill and other stores. Each time we went I'd pile up the cart to its max (no joke!) and both times ended up getting some really cute pieces for my birthday.
 But then we got home I was going to pick out my clothes for the week, and looking at my closet all my clothes looked boring and old. I didn't like them anymore.
 Sometimes around this time of year whether it be a birthday or Christmas you get so caught up in what you want that you don't realize what God has right in front of you.
 If you're feeling like you don't have anything cute in your closet or you want a nicer looking room or whatever your wish is I would encourage you to walk around your house and make a list of every possible thing you can think of that blesses you.
 Here are some of mine-

  1. My amazing parents
  2. My blog and Youtube channel
  3. Breathtaking nature
  4. Pop music
  5. Adorable clothes
  6. My ability to do hair
  7. Movies
  8. A wonderful church
  9. Technology
  10. Food to eat every day
  11. An amazingly decorated home thanks to my awesome momma!
  12. The amazing fact that God chose me to be His child
  13. Heat (even if we're not supposed to use it =D) 
  14. The fact that I can graduate
  15. The seasons
  16. My awesome siblings who have got me through a lot of tough times
  17. The fact that everyone is different and has different skills
  18. A warm bed to sleep in
  19. My adorable kitty
  20. And all the little things like nail polish, makeup, my water bottle, my journal, good books, earbuds, and carpet.
 See, the little things we take for granted every day amazing gifts from God. We just need to turn our focus on what we have not what we want.


  1. Very true! Thank you for the reminder!

    Taking this one step further, it's easy to think "once I can do this, I'll be happy". That can be anything from getting a job to getting married (or going home after being in Africa for two months 😜). But happiness will always be elusive and you'll always feel like you're chasing it. Writing a list of things you're grateful for is a good remedy! (Something I should go do now...😄)


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