Weekly New #3

 Here I am again with a piece of weekly news. I wrote on my list "write' and the easiest form was telling ya'll what happens around here.
BTW I really have a hard time thinking of what to put in here, so tell me your favorite part and I'll do that more!

Christian Heritage cd booth closed!
Due to financial issues, Christian Heritage has decided to close down the cd booth. Now without a job, the Criss family must find new jobs around the conference. One member of the Criss family, Lydia, showed much interest in working in the vendor hall.

The Lord has answered many prayers...
Even the small things He cares about. Lydia and Hannah had needed some dresses and Jesus answered their prayers at Good Will and Walmart.

Lydia found her new favorite YouTuber!
Ellie June a 19-year-old girl who makes inspirational, fashion, organization, and more videos. Lydia really likes her!

Verse of the day:
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trial, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 
James 1:2-3


  1. I heard about the CD booth closing. :-( It's the end of an era - so sad!!

    You should write down your childhood memories! Start with the toys and how you played as a kid. Go! :-D

  2. Love ❤️ But yes, very sad about the CD booth! 😪


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