Hello, it's been a while since I've posted on here and even that post wasn't that great! I get SO bugged when someone I follow doesn't post and yet I'm doing it myself!
 Well, I thought I'd just share what I've been doing recently (but if you're one of the two people who read my blog you already know!).
 So first, we have a new niece! Savannah Lynn Criss.

Even though I haven't met her yet she's brought a lot of business into my life!
 After she was born Momma went up there to help Samatha for the weekend. Then she brought Sofia, Dean, and Sadi to our house. We watched them for a whole week which can get VERY tiring!

Matthew and I were in charge of their schooling.

 Then the Saturday before the Super Bowl Momma and Daddy brought them back up to their house. Meanwhile, Susanna came up on Saturday and we just hung for the whole weekend.

 Then Daddy and Momma brought Dean and Sadi back so that Susanna could bring them to her house for the week. Somewhere in the middle, Susanna asked me and Matthew to come down with her which sounded kinda fun so we did.
One Tuesday Abby, Jimmy, and Derek came over for the day so there were a lot of littles running around! 

We had fun playing outside, well, at least the kiddos had fun!

The ride home was also very exciting. Sadi isn't very good at doing nothing! 
So this week I've just been trying to get back to normal! But I really want to post on here more regularly so tell me what you want to see and I'll do it.


  1. You'll do whatever I want to see on this blog? Hmm... Film yourself jumping into the snow barefoot and in short sleeves. 😜

    On a serious note, I'd love to see lots of everyday life - pictures and stories. I also enjoy your book reviews! 😃

  2. We don't have enough snow to do that, but if we did I might actually do that! =P

    Thanks for the ideas!

  3. Another idea: Grandma asked if all the Crisses could write about their growing up experiences. You should do that, too! You could focus on just one little piece of your life per post, making it easier to stay focused and accomplished. I'm planning on doing that on my blog, too!


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