More 2020 Resolutions

 After I made the last goals post (that sounded like goalpost =P) I thought of a bunch more ideas so I have to write them down or I'll forget (you know me =). So here are 7 more of my 2020 resolutions.

1. Do a cartwheel. I can't do this in the slightest so I'm hoping to do it by the end of the year so than in 2021, I can do a side aerial! (I'm getting so ahead of myself!)

2. Do a front\back walkover. I'm actually kinda close to getting both of these! I'm learning to kick up into a handstand and I can kind of stand up out of a bridge.

3. Memorize Psalm 119 and 1John. Psalms is hands-down my favorite book in the Bible and 1 John is a short simple book to learn!

4. Go ice skating. Okay, this one is really random but I REALLY want to do it! Maybe for my 17th birthday or something!

5. Get my driving permit. I've wanted this for so long and I'm turning 17 this year so it's a perfect time. And Daddy and Momma are surprisingly for it!

6. Be able to see my abs. Okay, I know this sounds really weird but there's just something really cool about having firm lean muscles especially abs. My top two abs are very visible so we only got four more to go! (This just keeps sounding weirder the more I write! =P)

7. Lastly, be more physically fit. I have a few specific goals in this like being able to do a 40-minute dance workout without taking so many breaks or be able to complete an abs workout that I can't do some of the exercises. I don't really have an end goal when it comes to fitness I've just always wanted to be fit! =P


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