New Writing Challenge!

 I want to write and I really do like doing it however I feel like writing fictional stories is just not my thing. I realized that my strong suit in writing is more journalistic. So I decided that I want to do a writing challenge that's more journalism.
 So I'd love to hear some suggestions on what topics there should be and if you'd like to do it with me that would be awesome too!


  1. That sounds like fun! Are you going to be writing out a list of the challenges, or just coming up with new ideas as you write? I'd love to join you, I just need to know the rules. Lol!

    1. I think I want to do a list, I'm just not sure what should be on the list. =P Love to hear any suggestions!

    2. Hmmm...a couple ideas would be write about something you're passionate about (in 500ish words), favorite Christmas traditions as a child, a day in the life in great detail. Is that kind of what you had in mind? I can probably think of more.


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