The Christian Heritage Conference

If you know me at all you know I LOVE the CH conference! It's so fun to visit old friends, meet new ones, and listen to amazing speakers! 
Picking out outfits the day before, someone was not prepared!
Also, Sarah Langdon came up to our house on Wednesday and spent the whole conference with us. It was so fun having her along!

Eating lunch on Thursday. I was determined to take more pictures this year!

The official photographer.

This year I worked at Registration.

On Friday Stephen did this thing on the History of Redemption.

Visiting with Auntie Hannah.

Back at Grandma's house after a long day.

How do you like me with glasses?

And Sarah was kind enough to provide snacks. =D

And this is the last session. 

Our view
We didn't get any more pics at the conference but after this, we went to the banquet dinner for the staff. Our table was so fun!

Back at Grandma's house! Gotta be organized! 

Hannah looks sick, she's not. =D


And we went directly from the conference to baby-siting. 


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