Living Among Lions

 I just finished this book and o my goodness, was it an amazing book!
It talks about standing with God even when everyone is pushing the other way. They talk a lot about Daniel and how he thrived in Babylon even when it was a very secular culture. It talks about having "Conviction that Transforms My Heart, Commitment that Transforms My Lifestyle, and Courage that Transforms My World."
 Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book-
"Christians are to be the chocolate chips in the cookie dough of culture. We are to mix in, not blend in- we keep our form even in the oven, remaining completely distinct and separate- yet we should make the batch great!"
"God has called us to be messengers even if His message is not popular."
"If we want to know who we are, we need to reference point outside of ourselves. This is where Christianity has the answer. How do we know who we are? Our Creator tells us."
"As Christians, we should find our identity in who we are, not what we do. Yet what we do will always flow out of who we are. This is the key to inside-out living."
"For our courage to be displayed, we must show up, stand strong, and stay put!"


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