My Favorite Workouts =D

I made a post like this maybe 2 years ago but my strength and endurance has definitely goten better, plus I just like different workouts now. So here is my new version of this post. (warning there might be a lot of misspelled words in this post because spell check is not working on my laptop right now, so we're just going with it =D) class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
I recently found Caroline's workouts and I LOVE her cardio ones! There's the most unique moves and such high energy! Her workouts are definitely more adavnced but she does have a whole program for beginners that I would for sure recommend!
I tried Lilly's workouts for a week at the beginning of this year but I didn't really love them. There was so much focus on only workout your bum and abs and really no upperbody at all. However this workout I did enjoy. Her energy is so high and her music... it's such a vibe! So I just do her workouts now if I'm trying to work my legs and now that I know that it's great. =)
Okay, we're finally at the good stuff! Sydney Cummings, wow, this girl just lights up my day! I found her about a year ago but really started to get into her workouts around December of last year. She talks you though every move and all of the exercises she chooses are so unique and burn just so much. Sydney always keeps me on my toes and just is so much fun!! At the end of every workout she gives the most beautiful inspiring speech that just fills you with joy. I 100% recomend every single person go do a Sydney workout RIGHT NOW!! =D
And here's another one of my favs by Sydney. =) BTW most of her workouts require pretty heavy weights and are more on an advanced level. However she does give modifications thoughout the workout to help you along and she has a ton of body weight workouts if you don't have dumbbells.
I'm always a sucker for a good kickboxing workout but Ty's workouts just take it to the next level! Her workouts are always super high energy and she has such creative moves (you might be able to tell by now that I don't like boring exercises =D).
A few years ago I found Maddie and I swore by her workouts. She was just always my go-to for a good basic workout. However since I've gotten more advanced in my workouts, Maddie's videos are just a bit easy and basic for me, however, I LOVE her song and dance workouts. This one especially I love to do as a finisher after a longer workout.
Also, her dance parties are such a fun way to start my workout. My personal fav it her 1 Direction one but she has a ton that are really fun! All of these are more beginner so I like to do them a long another workout but they're great by themselves if you're a beginner or just want an easier workout. =)
I though I'd finish off this post with some of my fav stretching routines by Sydney. I LOVE this for when I have tight or sore upper body muscles!
This one is so good if you're feeling tesion in your low back or if you just want a good hip and hamstring stretch.
And this one is just my go-to after fribee. I really want to stress how important it is to stretch at least 10 mins after your workout. I really like picking at least 1 day a week where I just take 20-30 minutes to stretch and just take care of my sore muscles. SO there you have it! 10 of my favorite tried and true workout and stretching routines.


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