New Year's Resolutions

  Of course I'm going to make this post; goals and resolutions are something I love doing every year! As I was looking back on my 2020 goals post there was a lot that I didn't accomplish but honestly, I don't care about them anymore. Let's do a quick referesher.

The first one was to do a scorpion and that's actually something I'm still trying to do. 

Next, graduate. I've actually kinda changed my mind on this. Last year I thought that the school I was doing was kinda useless at that point but now I don't think so. I'm going to continue the schooling I'm doing and hopefully, with the help of my parents, find a program I can do to graduate. I obviously still want to graduate but my mindset is different than last year's.

#3 was to touch my foot to my head backward which I am so happy to say that I can do! yaaaas! 

My next goal was to read 50 books in 2020. This one I did not do and I don't actually care about doing anymore. Reading 50 books wasn't really my goal it was my sibling's goals because a lot of them loved reading and did it so much that 50 books weren't too hard. However, I'm not a huge reader, and 50 books it pretty hard for me to do. When I'm reading I don't want to feel rushed into finishing a book; I'll read a chapter a day or so and I enjoy the book that way. I have read 26 books this year and am happy with that.

Okay, this one just kinda bothers me. #5 is to get a job and believe me, I want a job! I haven't really put myself out there though so that is for sure a 2021 goal!

Another one that kinda bothers me that I didn't get is to be able to do a handstand. I think this mostly has to do with the fact that I haven't really been faithful in practicing every day. But if I don't get a handstand in 2021 I'm gonna be mad! lol

No, I didn't get 1,00 subscribers but I more than doubled them! This is something I really don't have much control over; so this year I don't necessarily have a number goal, I just want to make a community on YouTube that is something truly special.

And I also didn't memorize Psalm 119 or 1 John. And I really have no excuse for this. 

One thing I did do though was getting my driver's permit! But, fun fact I haven't driven at all yet, so hopefully, that will change in the next few weeks to months. Also, I obviously want to get my license in 2021. 

And then there was get more fit, and this one I can really say I accomplished! I've never had super-specific goals about fitness I've always just worked out because I love it and because I know it's good for my body. Now this year it would be cool to be able to do a pistol squat, push-ups, and have better endurance! 

Alrighty, so now that we've reviewed my 2020 goals here are my official 2021 resolutions, enjoy!

#1 Run a 5k

#2 Do a layout for a frisbee. One of these days I'll be brave enough.

#3 Get a job

#4 Get my driver's license

#5 Work on my back flexibility; be able to do a scorpion, teardrop backend, etc.

#6 Get my handstand, dangit! 

#7 Memorize Psalm 119 and Galatians

#8 Be more intentional with my time; not wasting it watching YT vids.

#9 Work more on my YT channel. On every video, I really want to work hard and make sure that each one is better than the last.

#10 Spend more time praying. 

I'll probably think of more so expect a part 2, but that's it for now. =) 


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