Fort Flagler!

It's the Criss family tradition every year to go to an old army camp by the beach. It's so much fun to hang out and play games, but the most fun is going down to the beach!

He really needed coffee. 😉

Down at the beach! We always have fun making forts and building rafts!

And somehow through all the heat and sun Hannah managed to stay cold!

The second trip down to the beach we got our swimsuits on and had a lot of fun!

And of course, we had to make a raft. (Which eventually fell apart)

Snow cones after a game of volleyball.

Mother enjoying her fruit.

And our cousin Debbie had a VERY fun painting class!

And all the kidos loved it as well! (and did awesome jobs!)

Hope's adorable painting!

And down for a game of Dutch Blitz.

Morning cuddles.


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